Ronaldo wants to convert to Islam?

Ronaldo wants to convert to Islam,

Former goalkeeper claims Former goalkeeper of Al-Nasr Football Club Walid Abdullah says that famous footballer Cristiano Ronaldo wants to convert to Islam.

In the program ‘Last Session’ of Channel Saudi Arabia, Walid said that he had no fear when he spoke to Ronaldo in the locker room for the first time and he was never nervous in front of Ronaldo.

He said that he was very close to Ronaldo in the beginning. He did not know about the culture of the country, the club and other things and he always asked him for details.

Walid said that he had talked to Ronaldo about converting to Islam and he was interested in it. Once he scored a goal and prostrated on the field. When Ronaldo prostrated, all the players shouted (Allahu Akbar) in unison. Whenever he hears the call to prayer, he asks the coach to stop training.

He said that regardless of whether Ronaldo converts to Islam or not, he is a disciplined player and that is why he has reached this point. The news of Ronaldo’s conversion to Islam has gained a lot of attention around the world. This news was first published by the former goalkeeper of the Saudi football club Al-Nasr and Ronaldo’s fellow footballer. He had said that Ronaldo is deeply interested in the teachings of Islam and the culture of Saudi Arabia and possibly intends to convert to Islam.

Since this news, more details have emerged in this regard, including:

Ronaldo’s prostration: In one incident, Ronaldo prostrated on the field after scoring a goal, at which all the players chanted “Allahu Akbar” in unison.

Stopping training after hearing the call to prayer: Ronaldo asks the coach to stop training whenever he hears the call to prayer.

Discipline: Despite this news, it has also been revealed that Ronaldo is a disciplined player and that is the reason why he has reached this point. It is worth mentioning that Ronaldo himself has not made any official statement about this. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether he will actually convert to Islam or not. However, this news has created a cloud of joy among Muslims around the world.

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